creating change
Change everything for a child in need by sponsoring a child at King's Kid Home School.
Child sponsorship
done differently!
Make a connection. Change a child’s life.
Poverty makes it hard for a child to have basic needs, a chance to thrive and a bright future. Sponsorship can give hope for a brighter future. It’s more than just a monthly withdrawal from your bank account. It’s a connection that helps a child overcome big challenges like poverty. It connects you with a child in need to build a relationship and see a child’s life changed forever.
Life-changing benefits of sponsorship
Start your sponsorship journey
Life-changing benefits of sponsorship for a child
1. Access to Basic Needs
2. Educational Support
3. Medical Care
4. Life Skills Development
5. On-job-Training
6. Spiritual Discipleship
King’s Kid Home School’s holistic care program provides life-sustaining needs and quality education to vulnerable children living in Uganda.
All it takes is:
£50 / $60 (US) a month
How does it work?
When you sponsor a child we combine your sponsorship money with money from other sponsors and provide ALL the benefits listed below to ALL the vulnerable children in our care in a family atmosphere so no one is left out.
Where does the money go?
Outstanding stewardship is more than a priority for us at King's Kid Home School. We’re committed to investing 100% of gifts (minus bank charges) received into the sponsorship program into front-line ministry that directly benefits children. Our desire is to be an organisation worthy of your trust. We are committed to integrity not just in our work with children, but also in how we handle your tax-deductible donations.
As a committed sponsor, we ask that you actively pray for your sponsored child and King’s Kid Ministries International UG as a whole. Continue sowing into this ministry expecting God to honour His word: "Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over..." - Luke 6:38 KJV
How are we different?
King’s Kid does child sponsorship differently to other charities and organisations, because we value relationship first. Our 10 years of experience of helping children in need has taught us that child sponsorship is both a practical and worthwhile way of helping to bring transformation to their lives.
Our holistic approach to care means that when a child comes to us, they walk into family, not an institution. Our King’s Kid family loves, nurtures and cares for them.
We provide safe, Christ-centred education from early-childhood to higher education. The biggest % of sponsorship money goes to education support because it equips and empowers children to break out of the cycle of poverty. We offer extracurricular activities in sports, music, dance and vocational training.
We’re focused on improving a child’s life in the long term at the same time as protecting the relationship between you and your sponsored child to not encourage dependency. Sponsorship is the start of an amazing friendship. We encourage healthy communication and care through online correspondence, letter writing, photo-sharing and praying for one another.
We regard the relationship between sponsor and sponsored child as partnership. Partnership isn't a one-time event. It's a growing, thriving commitment to meaningful relationship. We explain to the sponsored child that they are acting as ambassadors for their fellow children. We explain that people from all over the world want to help them and that they have one friend in particular who they are linked to.
It is our hope that by writing to one another, the sponsor and sponsored child will get to know about each other’s lives.
Ready to start sponsoring a child?
Your long term support through sponsorship can change everything for a child in need. It equips them for a self-reliant future.
Frequently asked questions
Where does my sponsorship money go?
How are children chosen for sponsorship?
How long will my sponsorship last?
What happens if I want to stop my sponsorship?
Can I visit my sponsored child?
Can I send a gift to my sponsored child?
What is child sponsorship?
Child sponsorship is an effective way to give regularly that starts a relationship between you, the donor, and a beneficiary child at King’s Kid Home School. It is a fundraising method we use to support the life-changing work of King’s Kid Ministries International UG.
How do I sponsor a child?
You can chose who you want to sponsor from the list of children available to sponsor.
How much does it cost?
We ask for £40 or $50 (US) a month so that we can provide the best and lasting support to children that benefit from your sponsorship.
Where does my sponsorship money go?
We combine together all sponsorship money and distribute it according to the needs of all the vulnerable children in our care. We believe that all children deserve to be treated equally when it comes to provision of basic needs, healthcare and educational opportunities.
What do I get as a sponsor?
As soon as you decide to be a sponsor, contact us. We’ll send you a welcome pack with a photo of the child you’ve chosen to sponsor and his or her story so far. You’ll receive regular messages (three times a year) from your sponsored child and updates on their progress, as well as reports from the organisation on how your money is being spent to change lives. You’ll see your child grow and develop – thanks to your investment. You can write back to your sponsored child.
How are children chosen for sponsorship?
We work in an area of extreme poverty and hardship with few good educational opportunities. Where opportunities exist, many cannot afford it. Most of the children who come to stay with us have been fully or partially orphaned or their parents or extended family are incapable of adequately caring for them.
The selection process for child sponsorship is as follows: the child must be considered ‘in need’ and without our help, is unlikely to get the basic needs of life and a quality education. We consider orphans, half-orphans (only one parent alive) or children with both parents but in need of support, for the sponsorship program. Some children have come from vulnerable situations like abuse, extreme poverty or abandonment.
How long will my sponsorship last?
There is no set period for sponsorship to last and no minimum requirement, but lasting change doesn’t happen overnight. The idea is that a sponsor will see a child through their early and formative years and help them grow up. This means making a long-term commitment to a child.
You can continue to sponsor your child up until they finish their formal education, sometimes beyond the age of 18 years.
There are occasions when sponsorship ends earlier than expected. This can be due to a number of reasons, such as the child leaving the area. If this happens, we ask our sponsors if they would like to continue sponsoring a new child.
What happens if I want to stop my sponsorship?
You can end your sponsorship at any time, for any reason, without causing harm to your sponsored child because of the way we run the program. Your child will continue to benefit from all that King’s Kid Home School has to offer whether or not they are sponsored.
Can I visit my sponsored child?
YES! Visiting your sponsored child can be a transformative experience and the best way to see how your support is making a difference.
Meeting your sponsored child at King’s Kid Home School and meeting the staff who turn your support into life-changing work can be so rewarding. We encourage you to see our work first hand.
We can’t cover the cost of your visit but our staff will help you make the arrangements to meet your sponsored child. If you would like to make a trip, don’t hesitate to get in touch so we can start making plans.
Can I send a gift to my sponsored child?
YES! Gift giving is a wonderful way to show love to your sponsored child. We have set up a Gift Fund so that any sponsor who wants to give a little extra can do so. Donations to this fund are used to benefit all the children at King’s Kid Home School. Sometimes, we buy sports or play equipment, books or small gifts for all the children.
We facilitate gift giving in this way for a number of reasons:
1. To avoid jealousy and unhappiness in case some children get gifts and others don’t.
2. To avoid gifts that are unsuitable in nature or value which might confuse or disorientate the child.
3. We cannot guarantee that a package sent via post will reach its intended destination because the postal system in Uganda can be unreliable.
4. Wherever possible, we try to purchase items for the children locally. This ensures better value for money and helps to improve the local economy.
Start your child sponsorship journey now
It's amazing what happens when people join together to accomplish something greater than what they could do on their own. We welcome your support by sponsoring a child at King’s Kid Home School.
Simply go to https://www.kingskidhome.com/donate and give as guided. If you want to support a particular child or/and cause, please don't hesitate to contact us and we will get back to you with all the information you want.