King's Kid is a ministry made up of many different people from Uganda and around the world working together for a shared purpose. Together, we are making Jesus known in our families, our communities, our nation and the world. We are loving on purpose the most vulnerable yet extraordinarily gifted young people in Uganda.
We are participating in the transformation of our nation.
DEDICATED TO FULFILLING THE great commission OF Jesus christ
King’s Kid Ministries International UG (KKMI) is a non-governmental organisation (NGO) based in Mityana, Uganda. We wish to see the nation of Uganda transformed as we practically participate in transformational activities - showing God's love in action - involving spiritual, social and economic development.
King's Kid has one mission: to fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:18-20 NIV):
"Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
We are:
reaching out to communities in our nation with love and compassion
proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ
teaching the Word of God
establishing and equipping Christians to become disciples
training leaders in ministry to enable them to help others to spiritual maturity
caring for the most vulnerable in society.
Hope in the face of adversity
Despite seemingly insurmountable challenges, such as the scourge of HIV/AIDS and other killer diseases, the legacy of internal conflict within Uganda and the break down of local survival systems for children, a generation of young people is rising up to overcome with unstoppable creativity. It is our responsibility to come alongside these young people and support them. Poverty can be devastating to a person's ability to reach their full potential and achieve what they have always dreamed of achieving. There may be days when all hope seems lost for the abandoned child, growing up in a household without parents, security or certainty. At King's Kid, we understand that poverty is as much a physical and economic reality as it is a psychological and spiritual state of being. We believe it is only the power in the Gospel of Jesus Christ that can make an eternal difference in such situations.
According to a 2015 United Nations Population Prospects report*, Uganda had the second youngest population in the world with 48.1% of the country's total population under 15 years of age. While statistics paint a general picture, every person's story is unique and valuable. We believe that every child is valuable and has extraordinary potential. That is why we believe we are called to shelter, educate, love and nurture children that would otherwise have been unsheltered and uneducated. King's Kid has heard the genuine cry of families and vulnerable children and offered genuine love in response - love that looks like:
1. Restoring a sense of belonging, dignity and future in the lives of vulnerable children at King's Kid Home School (KKHS). Children in the full-time care program, receive free or subsidised education and all their basic needs. We help by discipling these children into what God has destined them to be, no longer orphans, physically or spiritually, but children of the King of Kings...King’s Kids!
2. 38 churches have been planted since 2005 when the ministry began with the first Lifehouse Community Church (LCC), Mityana. We believe the local church is key in reaching the surrounding community with practical expressions of the love of God. We work closely with local church leaders and their congregations in pursuit of lasting community transformation.
3. Evangelistic outreaches coupled with discipleship and leadership training courses ensure that people not only have an opportunity to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but also have the opportunity to respond, grow and be discipled.
4. King's Kid Development Projects aim to train and resource local people with skills in business, vocations and leadership, provide a valuable community service, and generate income to supplement the provision for the running of KKHS. Find out more about Our vision of sustainability.
This website is dedicated to communicating the vision and work of KKMI. We hope that you find it informative and inspiring. Find out how you too can be part of 'Creating Change in Aching Communities'. We welcome your interest in and participation with our work.
*United Nations World Population Prospects report 2015 (external link)